By: Dillon, Lily, and Presley
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Today we had an exciting day filled with many different new experiences for everyone. It helped us bond our group more as a whole. We started bright and early excited to be working at the school beginning our service projects. The group got to the school and began immediately working hard. Our purpose today with our community service project was to clean up the job site of where the dining hall will be. After 2 hours of straight hard work we got the chance to bond with many of the students of the school through a game of soccer. We took a bit of a break and then proceeded with experiencing more customs and cultural experiences. For example we got the amazing chance to meet with a Natural Healer for the evening at a blessing ceremony. This ritual opened many of our eyes and showed us how to be positive and take a moment to realize how lucky we are. We proceeded after that by having dinner at a local restaurant and then having one last group learning session/ANCHORing before turning in for the night.
By: Dillon, Lily, and Presley
By: Dillon, Lily, and Presley